1 |
2107-1001 |
연구윤리 |
Research Ethics |
공통 |
0/0/0 |
2 |
2107-3001 |
연구윤리2 |
Research ethics 2 |
공통 |
0/0/0 |
3 |
2180-5004 |
교육의사회적기초 |
Social Foundations of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
4 |
2180-5005 |
교육의 심리적기초 |
Psychological Foundations of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
5 |
2180-5006 |
교육개발협력론 |
Education Development Cooperation |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
6 |
2180-5007 |
세계시민교육세미나1 |
Seminar in Introducion to Global Citizenship Education 1 |
전공 |
1/1/0 |
7 |
2180-5008 |
세계시민교육세미나2 |
Seminar in Introducion to Global Citizenship Education 2 |
전공 |
2/2/0 |
8 |
2180-5013 |
논문연구 1 |
Thesis Research 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
9 |
2180-5009 |
논문연구 2 |
Thesis Research 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
10 |
2180-5010 |
교육의 철학적기초 |
Philosophical Foundations of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
11 |
2180-5011 |
한국 교육제도론 |
Educational system in Korea |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
12 |
2180-5012 |
젠더와 교육 |
Gender and Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
13 |
2180-5014 |
교육학 연구 |
Educational Research |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
14 |
2180-5015 |
세계시민교육론 |
Introducion to Global Citizenship Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
15 |
2180-5016 |
인권과 교육 |
Human rights and Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
16 |
2182-5001 |
교육의 지식론적기초 |
Epistemological Foundations of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
17 |
2182-5002 |
교육의 윤리학적기초 |
Ethical Foundations of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
18 |
2182-5003 |
교육과학철학 |
Philosophy of Educational Science |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
19 |
2182-5004 |
교육철학연습 1 |
Seminar in Philosophy of Education 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
20 |
2182-5005 |
도덕교육연구 |
Moral Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
21 |
2182-5006 |
현대철학과교육 1 |
Modern Philosophy and Education 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
22 |
2182-5007 |
교육철학개인연구 1 |
Individual Study in Philosophy of Education 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
23 |
2182-5008 |
한국교육사연구 |
Korean History of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
24 |
2182-5009 |
동양교육사연구 |
Oriental History of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
25 |
2182-5010 |
서양교육사연구 |
Western History of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
26 |
2182-5011 |
한국교육사연습 |
Seminar in Korean History of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
27 |
2182-5012 |
교육사연습 1 |
Seminar in History of Education 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
28 |
2182-5013 |
교육사상사연구 1 |
History of Educational Thoughts 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
29 |
2182-5014 |
교육사개인연구 1 |
Individual Study in History of Education 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
30 |
2182-5015 |
현대교육사상 |
Contemporary Educational Thoughts |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
31 |
2182-5016 |
동양교육철학연구 |
Philosophy of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
32 |
2182-5017 |
서양교육철학연구 |
Western Philosophy of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
33 |
2182-5018 |
교육목적연구 |
Educational Objectives |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
34 |
2182-5019 |
교육에서의 실존주의와 현상학 |
Existentialism and Phenomenology in Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
35 |
2182-5020 |
교육분석철학 |
Analytical Philosophy of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
36 |
2182-5021 |
인본주의 교육철학 |
Philosophy of Humanistic Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
37 |
2182-5022 |
교육철학연습 2 |
Seminar in Philosophy of Education 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
38 |
2182-5023 |
현대철학과교육 2 |
Modern Philosophy and Education 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
39 |
2182-5024 |
교육철학개인연구 2 |
Individual Study in Philosophy of Education 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
40 |
2182-5025 |
한국교육고전연구 |
Korean Classics of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
41 |
2182-5026 |
동양교육고전연구 |
Oriental Classics of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
42 |
2182-5027 |
서양교육고전연구 |
Western Classics of Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
43 |
2182-5028 |
한국교육사상사 |
History of Korean Educational Thoughts |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
44 |
2182-5029 |
교육사연구방법론 |
Methods of Educational History Research |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
45 |
2182-5030 |
교육사연습 2 |
Seminar in History of Education 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
46 |
2182-5031 |
교육사상사연구 2 |
History of Educational Thoughts 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
47 |
2182-5032 |
교육사개인연구 2 |
Individual Study in History of Education 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
48 |
2182-5033 |
유교식학교제도론 |
The Study of the Confucian School System |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
49 |
2182-5034 |
한국근대교육제도사 |
The History of the Modern Educational System in Korea |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
50 |
2182-5035 |
한국고등교육사 |
The History of the Higher Education in Korea |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
51 |
2182-5036 |
교육철학 연구방법론 |
Philosophical method for the study of education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
52 |
2182-5037 |
조선시대 교육선발제도 |
The Education and selection system in Joseon Dynasty |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
53 |
2180-5018 |
논문연구3 |
Thesis Research 3 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
54 |
2180-5019 |
논문연구4 |
Thesis Research 4 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
55 |
2180-5020 |
교육학세미나1 |
Seminar in Educational Studies 1 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
56 |
2180-5021 |
교육학세미나2 |
Seminar in Educational Studiesr 2 |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
57 |
2180-5022 |
문화다양성과자기돌봄상담 |
Cultural Diversity and Self-care Counseling |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
58 |
2180-5023 |
북한교육의 이해 |
Understanding North Korean Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
59 |
2180-5024 |
세계시민교육의 기원 |
Origins of Global Citizenship Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
60 |
2180-5025 |
문화다양성과 정책 |
Cultural Diversity and Policy |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
61 |
2180-5026 |
세계시민교육을 위한 질적 연구 방법의 실제 |
The Practical Practice of Qualitative Research Methods for Global Citizenship Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
62 |
2180-5027 |
지역사회와 동반하는 자조상담의 이해와 실제 |
Understanding and Practice of Self-Help Counseling with the community |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
63 |
2180-5028 |
사회정서학습의 이해와 적용 |
Understanding and Application of Social Emotional Learning |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
64 |
2180-5029 |
프랑스의 시민권과 시민교육 |
French Citizenship and Civic Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
65 |
2180-5030 |
학교 변화와 마을교육 |
School Change and Local Community Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
66 |
2180-5031 |
다문화교육의 심리학적 이해와 실제 |
Psychological Understanding and Practice of Multicultural Education |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
67 |
2180-5032 |
교육과 국제기구 |
Education and International Organizations |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
68 |
2180-5033 |
세계시민역량 평가 |
Global Citizenship Competences Assessment |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
69 |
2180-5034 |
건강학의 관점에서 본 세계 시민 돌봄 상담의 이해 |
Understanding Global Citizen Care Counseling from the Perspective of Health Science |
전공 |
3/3/0 |
70 |
2180-5035 |
세계시민교육과정이론 |
Global Citizenship Curriculum Theory |
전공 |
3/3/0 |